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Parenting is Hard. Should we hide that from our kids?

 Good morning world, Today my thoughts and feelings are bubbling up in that very specific way - where all I know how to do is write about it. So here we are.  This morning I woke up a bit early with grief swirling around my heart. It was 6am. I turned on my bedside light and took out my journal and started to word vomit. Mostly feelings about my ex, about my broken heart, about how love doesn't last and wondering "did it all really happen? and does anything matter?" Stuff like that.  About a page in to my ramble, my blurry eyed 8-year-old stumbled into the room to crawl into bed with me. He snuggled up to my side wanting to cuddle. After finishing a particularly morbid sentence, I put my journal down and curved into him, holding his little body, kissing my favorite dot on his forehead.  We started to talk a little bit. About age and aging, how someday he will be 43 just like me. His eyes widened, wow. I asked, "What do you think you might want to do when you are my a...

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